"SMART" is a management term used to set goals. The term has been frequently used in management, HR and marketing. Full Form of SMART is:
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-bound
Specific - It stresses on specifying a specific goal rather than a general one. A specific goal will usually answer the "Why", "What", "Who", "Which" and "Where" questions.
Measurable - It stresses on measuring the progress towards the attainment of goal. A measurable goal usually answers the "How many?" and "How much?" questions.
Attainable - It stresses on setting up the goal that is realistic and attainable.
Relevant - It stresses on setting up the goal that matters to organization or individual.
Time-bound - It stresses the importance of grounding goals with a deadline. A Time-bound goal can answer the "When" question
SMART - Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
Another full form of SMART is in terms of technology:
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology is a diagnostic method originally developed by IBM, that watches computer hard disks to help stop the risk of failures.
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